
Annual Reports

AlphaSeeds Annual Report 2022-2023

AlphaSeeds Annual Report 2022-2023

As we close the first chapter in the journey of AlphaSeeds, we are pleased to present the Annual Report for the year 2022-2023. This document shows our commitment to transparency and accountability. It serves as a reflection on the last 1,5 years’ achievements and challenges, as well as future opportunities and growth. The report is organized into three principal sections: a presentation of our new approach, a retrospective analysis of our investment portfolio, and an outline of our forward-looking strategy.

RougeCongo Annual Report 2022-2023

RougeCongo addresses the negative reputation of palm oil caused by harmful industrial practices by advocating for local production that is both environmentally friendly and socially responsible.

The report presents the project, the objectives for 2022-2023, the achievements realized, the impacts, and the future strategy.


RougeCongo Annual Report 2022-2023


Rapport Annuel RougeCongo 2022-2023